Blessing #6


This week’s blessing holds a challenge and invitation to examine and step deeply into your humanity.

I know that I am here to live fully every day that I am given.

I am not here to “get through” COVID or the election.

I am here.

I am here to sing.

I am definitely here for dancing and for snacks.

I am here to work for justice.

I am here to connect.

I am here to love and to be loved.

I don’t know much, but I know that even I, with my myriad of imperfections and flaws can learn and grow in grace.

It is a beautiful dance, my friends.

Join me.

We even have a playlist!

Copy and paste the link below

May you expand your capacity for:

Fierce Kindness






Seeking Justice



Ecstatic Joy

Building Equity

Sensing Magic

and exploring the Hidden Wholeness that exists in all things.

May you be blessed with a week of expansion, growth and connection.

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