Blessing #9. Holy Imagination. Holy Heartbreak. Holy Rebellion!




Holy Imagination

May you vision, dream, and  imagine that which nourishes, nurtures and sustains you and your beloved ones.

May your radical creativity be a wellspring for Justice.

May emergent strategies keep your heart/mind/body fresh and full of hope.


Holy Heartbreak

May you embody the courage to face your suffering and that of all Beings.

May your heart break wide open.

May you enter hard spaces grounded with your wide, open broken heart and love fully and freely.


Holy Rebellion

May you shout “Hell, No!” to systems/people/powers that oppress and deny the dignity of humanity and other species.

May fierce love sound through your voice as you speak truth to power.

May you joyfully root to rise up in the freshness of reciprocity and mutuality.

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